The High Priestess: Magically Knowing

The Voyager Tarot Priestess card

The High Priestess Tarot Card: All Knowingness

The High Priestess tarot card is sometimes about not what you know, but the fact that you know at all. The Priestess is the piece of you that whispers intuitive knowings to you. When you consider the Priestess and the intuitive hunches she provides, it is easy to imagine that we are capable of all-knowingness.

There are those things we know, but are not focused on. These are from sources beyond what we are normally aware of. It is when something beyond our typically noticed senses comes to our attention that we call ourselves psychics and intuitive. This sense beyond our senses though, is as much a part of us as touch, smell, sound, taste and sight. We tend to not emphasize it. It has a way of slipping through the cracks of our awareness.

But if we listen, we will hear it. Hearing the Priestess within us takes practice. We need to recognize the signals she sends us when she speaks. There are certain feelings that we get. Sometimes these feelings are in the gut, and sometimes they are in our heart. Different people will feel the Priestess in different ways. To learn how to hear and to trust our inner Priestess is what makes us stronger than most. How could it not? when we listen to her, we have knowledge and wisdom that others dismiss. The Priestess gives us an edge. — Jim Larsen

Pieces of You Tarot

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

What’s Tarot Got to do With It?

Knight of Pentacles: Are you a coward?

Knight of Pentacles

Knight of Pentacles Tarot Card: Go For Broke

The Knight of Pentacles tarot card can be urging you to go for broke. You have to be daring sometimes if you are going to get what you want in life. Things are not always handed to you; sometimes you have to throw caution to the wind and take a gamble to get them. The Knight of Pentacles is telling you not to worry. The risk you need to take is worth it. Be bold. Be daring. Don’t let fear rule you. If it is worth it to you to have, it is worth the risks you need to take to get it. Be like the Knight of Pentacles. This is something to rush into before you overthink it. So do it and hope for the best. It’s worth a shot.
— Jim Larsen

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

Pieces of You Tarot

What’s Tarot Got to do With It?

The Hierophant: What Wisdom Can You Share?

Hierophant Tarot Card

The Hierophant Tarot Card: Sharing Wisdom

The Hierophant piece of yourself is that part that has something to share. Maybe you have something to share with the world, maybe you have something to share with a small group of people, or maybe you have something to share with one select person who will appreciate what you have for them. The important thing here is, as a Hierophant, don’t hold back. Let your wisdom be known. The trick to that is to be honest and true. When somebody asks you a question, give them a real answer. Don’t make them guess if you are joking around or not. Tell it to them straight. If you don’t know, then “I don’t know” is a good answer. When somebody is seeking knowledge, wisdom or guidance from you, you owe it to them to provide it if you can. Any true Hierophant will be to the point in their communications with others. Be a true Hierophant. — Jim Larsen

Pieces of You Tarot

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

What’s tarot Got to do With It?

The Chariot: Success by Your Own Merits

The Chariot Tarot Card

The Chariot Tarot Card: Kick your passions into gear

How long will sit there with your Chariot revving before you kick it into gear and go? Think about it. The Chariot is your personal power. This is the piece of you that is focused on your personal success. This is beyond what you simply do do for a living. The Chariot is about what your true fire, your true passion is. So the question is, how long will you sit with your Chariot revving before you kick it into gear and fly with your own successes on your own merits in your own way?

Chances are, you have some strong ideas about how you would like your life to be lived and how you would like to be perceived by others, and much of this is contingent on your accomplishments. You probably want to be admired for what you do. So then, what are you doing to accomplish these things? Chances are, you have been thinking about it for a long time, but haven’t put a plan into action to do it. It is time to change that. Slam your Chariot into gear and go! Picture in your mind what it looks like to accomplish your goals. Set this as a destination to reach. Now fly towards it letting no obstacles stop you. If you can imagine it, you can achieve it. Your Chariot is your personal power. Use it to fly. — Jim Larsen

Pieces of You Tarot

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

What’s Tarot Got to do With It?

Death: Allowing For New Beginnings

Death Tarot Card

Death Tarot Card: Take Inner Inventory

Think of the Death tarot card as telling you it is time to let go. Take inventory of both your inner landscape and your outer world. What have you been holding onto that once served you, but is now passed? Allow for new beginnings, new chapters in your life by letting go of the old. Thoughts and attitudes may have been relevant when they were fresh and new, but now they may be outdated. Accept that reality. Honor the new times you are in by reassessing your life and developing thoughts and attitudes that are pertinent to it now. The Death tarot card is not about loss in this case, but rather creating room for the new and what is next. Life is fluid and constantly changing. Make allowances for these changes by not being too rigid in your thinking. Be flexible and be adaptable. Death is but a metaphor for change. — Jim Larsen

What’s tarot Got To Do With It?

Pieces of You Tarot

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

6 of Pentacles: Is your karma balanced?

6 of Pentacles Tarot Card: Sometimes you give. Sometimes you receive.

You can think of the 6 of Pentacles tarot card in terms of karma if you want. This is the card of giving. It is also the card of receiving. You see both things happening in this depiction. There’s that guy with the scales giving. There’s those 2 poor souls receiving. One message of the 6 of Pentacles tarot card is, be willing to give to those in need when you can. This will keep your karma even and balanced. Think about it- one day you may be in the position to need the kindness of others. In terms of karma, those times when you gave as you were able to will now come back to you. In the interest of universal fairness and balance, your kindness will now be returned. Take that as a lesson of the 6 of Pentacles- be generous when you can. It will always come back to you. — Jim Larsen

Pieces of You Tarot

What’s Tarot Got To Do With It?

Double Oh Fool Guide To Tarot Mastery

9 of Cups: Is Your Mind Clear of Junk?

9 of Cups tarot Card

9 of Cups Tarot Card: Manifestation Results

There is something to be said for contentment. Look at this dude in the 9 of Cups tarot card. This guy has everything he could possibly want. He displays his cups behind them as if they were trophies. And why shouldn’t he? He manifested each cup- each want and desire by the force of his own thoughts. This is one of those “If he can do it, you can do it too scenarios.” We all have that 9 of Cups piece of ourselves that we can tap into and bring to our lives those things we really want. We all just need to learn how to clear our minds of all the other clutter and get down to the true spiritual truth of ourselves so we can communicate with our spiritual sources and receive what we really want. It’s hard to do that when there is so much nonsensical superfluous things taking up our attention.

To truly activate our 9 of Cups piece of ourselves, we must clear that junk out of our minds and sit in silence without distractions. Meditate. Focus on what is true to us and push away what is not. In the clarity of a clear mind we will see what will honestly enhance our lives. We will see the pieces that we are missing. Now the universe knows what to provide. Now we can expect them and be like this guy in this rendering of the 9 of Cups tarot card. –Jim Larsen

Pieces of You Tarot

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

What’s Tarot Got to do With It?

Judgment: Awakening from Lethargy

Judgment Tarot Card- China Tarot Deck

Judgment Tarot Card: Waking Up

Sometimes the Judgment tarot card can be like this- have you ever felt like you are just waking up from a lengthy stretch of lethargy? For example, maybe there is something that has long interested you, and you have put a lot of time and energy into it. But then, others things came up and you just sort of let that other thing fall by the wayside. It’s not that you completely lost interest in, but rather that it became less of a priority. New interests and demands showed, and suddenly you could not prioritize it like you once could. It went on the back burner, as people like to say. Even though this thing stayed on your mind, you could not quite find the energy for it. It is like you fell asleep in the middle of it and are finally waking up again to it.

This wake up call is that Judgment piece of you telling you it’s time to get back to it. You can pick up where you left off if you like, but if it feels better to backtrack and make a new start somewhere in the middle, you can do that too. It is important here to remember, and this is what the Judgment card is telling you, dreams don’t necessarily die. Maybe they go on hold for however long, but they are revivable. So listen to that wake up call Judgment is giving you and dive back into the dreams you put on hold. —Jim Larsen

Pieces of You Tarot

What’s Tarot Got to do With It?

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

Daily Tarot | 6 of Wands: Returning from a Spiritual Quest | 10/18/2019

6 of Wands Tarot Card

6 of Wands Tarot Card: Coming Home

The 6 of Wands tarot card is about coming home. It is not just about coming home, but about coming home with something to offer. It is about coming home and being appreciated.

While you were away, you were busy accumulating something. Maybe this accumulation involved wisdom. Perhaps you spent your time away on some kind of spiritual quest. It could be that you found the gurus you needed to become the best version of yourself, and now being home, you share what you have learned with the people in your life.

It could also be that while you were away you were accumulating something tangible to bring home with you . Whatever the case may be, your time away was well spent. Your return home is met with great appreciation.

Look at this guy in the 6 of Wands tarot card. He rides happily into his village with his head held high to the applause and appreciation of his people. Sometimes, this is the whole reason for leaving- so we can come home and feel appreciated. Activate the 6 of wands piece of yourself and bring something beneficial to the people you care about, then bask in their appreciation. —Jim Larsen

Pieces of You Tarot

What’s Tarot Got to do With It?

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

Ace of Wands: A Gift from a Divine Being

Ace of Wands Tarot Card

Ace of Wands Tarot Card: A Sudden Burst of Inspiration

The Ace of Wands tarot card is like a gift given to you by some divine being. Think of the Ace of Wands as a sudden burst of inspiration. Where did this inspiration come from? Imagine it to have come from a spiritual being of the the Universe who knows that those on the earth will benefit from it, and you are the one who gets to share it with the world. After receiving this inspiration, it is up to you to do something with it. Make it worthwhile to have gotten this flash of inspiration. Consider it an honor to have received this inspiration. Hold onto it. Work with it. Nurture it. Make it grow into a fully actualized reality. Once it is a reality, you can enjoy the credit for it. It was through you that the idea arrived, and it was you who put in the effort to make it real. Feel good about that. This is how the Ace of Wands operates. –-Jim Larsen

Pieces of You Tarot

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

What’s Tarot Got to do With It?

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