Knowings From The Silence: Try living in the “Right Now.”

“The Future” has a way of demeaning the present. We think about it. Thinking about it has a way of inciting worry. Worry equals fear. Fear is a smog bank, disallowing us to see our own hand in front of our face. So do not give thought to “The Future.” Allow the present to gently and with ease dissolve into this which we call “The Future.” Allow it to simply happen without an attempt to force it. By forcing it, we create worry. Worry distorts the Now.

So, if you live in a right manner, then your Now will be right. Living in a right manner makes every Now right. So, when this Now dissolves into the next, into the next, into the next, all Nows are right and good. When the Now of the current moment eventually becomes the Now of many Nows from now, all will be well. This is the living of The Right Now.

-Jim Larsen


Enoy the Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life Books

Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 1
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 2
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 3
Knowings From The Silence: Simple Wisdom For an Enlightened Life, vol. 4

Enjoy these tarot card books by Jim Larsen

Pieces of You Tarot

What’s Tarot Got To Do With It?

Double Oh Fool Guide to Tarot Mastery

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